Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The fisherman within you - the Great Commission

Hey beloved brothers and sisters in our LORD JESUS CHRIST, let me ask you something...are you making a difference for HIS kingdom?

If you are, great! If you're still thinking about it, stop thinking about it and do something for the LORD! Bring people to heaven with you!!!

Every person is precious and every one expresses GOD's love to others in an unique way, through our personalities. When JESUS went back to the FATHER He told to His disciples to take charge of the Great Commission. We are all called to spread the gospel to everyone! To be fishermen of men. Are you fishing? Are you loving others enough that you don't want them to perish without CHRIST?...I know there must be a fisherman within you that longs to be active in service for the LORD. Why not start now? Just use your imagination. Remember we'll be accountable to GOD for the things we did or did not for His kingdom. Let the SPIRIT lead you. Be creative. Tell others about GOD's sacrifice on the cross so they could be eternally saved.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The evil within you - conviction & repentance

"And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light
and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed."

-John 3:19-20

---This message is for EVERYBODY---------------------------------------------- GOD lovers, GOD haters, good Christians, lukewarm, or cold Christians.
Even atheists and agnostics are welcome to reason together with me.-----

Evil. By evil mean anything wrong that a person has done anytime in any level regardless if they are sorry for it or not, acknowledges it or not.
Who has not done wrong things in life?
  • do you lie?
  • judge others?
  • are you self-righteous?
  • did you ever steal anything?
  • have you disrespected your parents? other authority?
  • envious?
  • any greed?
  • lust for power, possessions, someone else?
  • adulterated?
  • fornicated?
  • have said the Name of JESUS CHRIST or GOD in vain?
  • filthy talk?
  • swear words?
  • gossip?
  • have you abused yourself into anything?
  • have you abused others?
  • do you have idols*?

*An idol is ANYTHING that you put first in your life rather than the CREATOR who made you. For example: where does your time, talent, and money go? Those would be your idols.

And the list just goes on. This is to show you that ALL of us have a great potential for making/doing evil things. WHY? The answer is simple, we have a SIN NATURE. But GOD has put eternity in our hearts (that deep longing to be fulfilled, love and being loved). GOD has also given us a conscience.

However our SIN NATURE pulls us to the opposite side of loving GOD, loving others, loving ourselves. Our SIN NATURE goes after the lust of the eye (unlawful things to have), the lust of the flesh (unlawful things to "feel"), and the pride of life (being admired by others).

If someone was going to be judged with such bad list of things done, will that person be innocent or guilty? GUILTY! Of course! We ALL are guilty!
However there is hope. JESUS CHRIST died and resurrected to save us and give us eternal life in heaven. My friend, don't be cast into the lake of fire: "...they were judged, each one according to his works...and anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire" -Rev.20:13,15.

My friend, let your name be written in the Book of Life. It can be done by saying this prayer: "Dear GOD I repent from my sins, please forgive me and help me overcome them. I believe in JESUS as my Savior. I want Your light in my life GOD, guide me, protect me, show Yourself to me and give me peace. Write my name in Your Book of Life. In JESUS' Name. Amen."

Our hope is in JESUS who paid in full our "debt" and reconciled us to the FATHER. We are saved by FAITH in CHRIST alone.

If you accepted JESUS as your Savior please feel free to leave me a comment so I can pray for you and direct you to resources that can help
you grow your relationship with GOD! Remember GOD LOVES YOU! =)

If you are my brother or sister in the faith but feel lukewarm or cold, you may pray if you will: "LORD, Please forgive me and help me to forgive myself, to overcome my sins. I need you now more than ever and I ask you to create in me a clean heart, give me an ever hunger and thirst for You, renew Your HOLY SPIRIT within me, give me wisdom and the deepest relationship with YOU possible. In JESUS Name. Amen."

"LOVE does not harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." -Romans 13:10