Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The fisherman within you - the Great Commission

Hey beloved brothers and sisters in our LORD JESUS CHRIST, let me ask you something...are you making a difference for HIS kingdom?

If you are, great! If you're still thinking about it, stop thinking about it and do something for the LORD! Bring people to heaven with you!!!

Every person is precious and every one expresses GOD's love to others in an unique way, through our personalities. When JESUS went back to the FATHER He told to His disciples to take charge of the Great Commission. We are all called to spread the gospel to everyone! To be fishermen of men. Are you fishing? Are you loving others enough that you don't want them to perish without CHRIST?...I know there must be a fisherman within you that longs to be active in service for the LORD. Why not start now? Just use your imagination. Remember we'll be accountable to GOD for the things we did or did not for His kingdom. Let the SPIRIT lead you. Be creative. Tell others about GOD's sacrifice on the cross so they could be eternally saved.

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